Stop wishing and

write songs you love now

Even if you don't play

an instrument

My promise to you...

By the end of this book, you will have written a song you love. And you'll have a repeatable process to do it again and again for the rest of your life.

In this book, you'll discover how to transform everything that's currently in the way of you writing songs. You'll discover how to consistently be writing songs you love. Starting today.

What I'm excited to share with you takes time and effort. And a certain authenticity from you. It works great for me and my private students. And it'll work for you.

You Want to

Write Songs.

I Can Help.

I get it...

You want to write songs. You dream of writing songs. But you don't know where to start. Or you've started writing then gotten stuck, and it was terrible so you just gave up.

But check this out...

Unlike most songwriting books that make writing even more mysterious, this book and the bonuses will actually walk you, step-by-step through the process of writing a real song.

And demystify the process along the way.

The exact process I'll be showing you has taken my students from "I always wanted to write a song" to "hey listen to my new song" in mere days. With the confidence to do it again and again.

I've studied for three decades. And I've paid thousands of dollars for lessons and degrees. I've written hundreds of songs. Some of which have been featured in movies and performed by notable artists. All of it to develop this process and become a songwriting expert. Using this simple process, my students have started writing songs they love in as little as a single day (really!)

It's Easy

Get Started Right Now

The book will have you crystal clear on exactly what you need to do to write songs you love fast. It's step-by-step and easy. By simply following the exercises and steps laid out within its pages, you'll write songs you love and begin to see the world as a songwriter. And you don't need to invest a ton of money in new equipment or spend years studying!

You'll be doing the work and writing songs from the beginning of the book that express you and that you're proud to share with others.

Hannah wrote her first song the same day using mostly Chapter 1.

Marcus, who was 9 at the time, wrote a song in the first week.

You'll see yourself as a songwriter

(and so will other people) and you'll feel the satisfaction and fulfillment of having accomplished something you probably didn't think you really could. You'll be excited to share your songs with people and start to see that you can move and inspire people through your musical expression.

Why Listen to Me?

I've written hundreds of songs since the age of 12 (which was a while ago 🤣). I've won multiple ASCAP awards. I consistently win generous grants for my theatre songs. Most importantly I've gotten pros and hobbyists writing songs they're proud of. No matter their age or experience. Even people with serious limitations like the group of autistic students that wrote their own puppet opera!

Forget About

10,000 Hours...

Forget About

Paying Your Dues

About a decade ago, I spent a couple years studying the "pros" and how to be a songwriter. But their approach always felt mysterious and hard and never felt right.

So I set out to find a better way. Over the last 8 years I've fine tuned the system I'm giving you in the book.

When you start using it, here's what will happen:

First, you will start writing songs right away.

You'll begin to be able to explore what you feel, what you believe, and what you want to say and how to express it in song. Right away.

Then, and you're going to laugh, you'll stop caring if it's any good. It may be terrible! In fact, that's a good thing, but you'll be able to let yourself learn, discover, and explore without all the judgey McJudgeyness.

This is crucial for you because the secret to writing songs you love is to stop worrying if they're good and write!

The next thing that'll happen is this:

Your Experience of Life Will Change

And your experience will change organically... in other words your experience will change naturally, effortlessly out of what you're doing.

That sounds like a ridiculous claim for a songwriting book.

There's actual science behind that but we don't need to bother with that. What happens is out of doing the work in this book, you'll experience life as a songwriter. You'll start seeing songs in everything, the bad stuff and the good.

In my thirties, I went through a really rough time. My first wife left me, I was dealing with depression, I left a job I loved because of feeling burned-out, and I gave up on my dreams.

My life which had been full of song and joy and adventure had gotten small, bleak, and full of bitterness.

The music stopped.

I stopped making music altogether.

Thanks to a music teacher I studied with and my new wife's encouragement, I started writing and developing these techniques and out of doing this work, my life was a musical again!

Yes, you read that correctly. When you use this approach, you'll likely rediscover the joy of life in the music you make and listen to. You may even stop worrying and love writing songs and loving life including all its struggles and disappointments.

And that will start coming through in your songs from the start.

And you're getting this for free, included in your new book.

Here's What To Do Next

Get the book for only $9.00 shipping & handling. I'll ship it out to you in a few days.

BONUS Included with the book is the PDF version of the book and a 22-page Workbook PDF.

You can access them anywhere, immediately, whenever you want. Your paperback copy will arrive in about a week.

You've probably had this dream for a long time. You can get this book instantly and start living your dream of writing songs today.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...


I realize this is very inexpensive... so right about now, you might be wondering what the "catch" is.

You might have experienced other websites that offered you something inexpensive and then stuck you into some program with a recurring monthly fee... (I have!)

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden program you get automatically signed up for or anything else you have to buy.

I've decided to give you this entire book, for $9.00, the cost of shipping & handling. That way you can see for yourself how I help people write songs they love.

My hope is that you'll love it, do the work, get amazing results, and we'll do more business together in the future. After you click purchase I'll offer you some optional add-ons that can help you go faster, if you want them.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

But Here's the deal

(Reality Check)

You've got to actually read the book.

And take the actions I share with you in the pages!

Songs don't write themselves.

This book will provide you with all you need to write songs you love, but it's not magic.

You Are Also Getting a

BONUS Workbook

and Backing Track

Bonuses? What bonus?

Glad you asked. I'm also going to be giving you a bonus 22-page workbook that you can download today. The workbook will break out the exercises in a way that my students have found helpful in getting to the actual work (hence, a workbook!)

The workbook follows along with the book and can be printed out if you want. You can also use the individual pages over and over again to help you with each song you write.

And I've made a BONUS mp3 backing track to make it stupidly simple to write your first song.

And there's no extra charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

And lastly, even though I'm immediately sending you a copy of the book...


Of course, there's a full money-back guarantee.

In fact, it's perhaps...

The BOLDEST Guarantee in

"The History of Guarantees."

I, Richard Carey Ford, 100% Guarantee you'll like this book, the workbook I'm including and the video song session that's working for my students TODAY, or I'll return your $9.00 and let you keep the book and the workbook.

That's correct. If you're unhappy for any reason, you don't even have to send anything back. Just email me and I'll refund your $9.00 with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So

Start Writing Songs You Love!

I appreciate you taking the time to read this letter and hope to hear from you soon!

Richard Carey Ford

P.S. Just in case you're like me and skipped to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm offering you a 100-plus page book that teaches you how to write songs you love now.

The book is free. It normally sells on Amazon for $17.99. Here you only pay $9.00 to cover shipping & handling.

I'm also sending you a 22-page Workbook that takes you through the work in the book.

That alone will change how songwriting (and maybe life itself) will be for you.

(Don't worry—Write Songs You Love Now doesn't have anything to do with secret formulae or writing hit songs using only common kitchen items or AI. It isn't a bunch of tricks or short-cuts. It's 100% about helping you express yourself through song to touch and move people. You touching and moving people from where you are now. And knowing yourself as a songwriter.)

On top of all that, I'll also be giving you a series of emails to encourage you over the next couple weeks with what students typically face on their songwriting journey.

This is a very limited offer because it's a marketing test.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not get signed up for anything else or get annoying phone calls from a salesperson. (You will be offered a totally optional additional backing tracks and a video course.)

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll refund your $9.00 immediately. You don't even need to send the paperback back.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

DISCLAIMER: This is not a write hit songs in a weekend book and simply owning it or printing it out and keeping it under your pillow will not make any difference for you. It does take work. Your results may differ. You may not write a song per day or even one song. That'll be up to you. Your results will be dependent on what you do with the training in the book. My results are not typical and I'm not suggesting you'll duplicate them. I have the benefit of over 30+ years of experience in music and writing. Most people who buy any "how to" information get little to no results, especially if they aren't willing to follow the suggested strategies and work hard. All successful writers incur risks and require persistence and action.

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

No need to worry with our 30 day, no questions asked,

100% money back guarantee. Just email us.

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